The second consortium meeting of the PROCEDIN Project was held in the last week of March in Bergamo, Italy, and organised by PEDAL Consulting.
The consortium meeting marked an important milestone for PROCEDIN, as it brought together representatives of 5 consortium partners to discuss and share their experiences, ideas, and progress in advancing PPI in Europe.
The meeting featured presentations, and each member of the consortium shared their progress on their assigned tasks and the results achieved so far. This provided an opportunity for comprehensive discussions and fruitful information exchange among the partners.
The presentations made by the members of the consortium allowed for a better understanding of the different approaches taken by each partner in advancing the goals of the project. The discussions that followed were constructive, and partners exchanged their views and opinions on the best strategies to employ in 2023 and 2024.
The information exchange and discussions that took place during the meeting were essential in creating a coherent strategy for the project, and also helped to strengthen the partnership between the members of the consortium, which is a crucial factor in the success of the project. The discussions helped to establish clear communication channels and ensure that all partners are working towards the same goal.
The PROCEDIN project aims to create a sustainable ecosystem for PPI that will enable businesses and public authorities to work together to develop and implement innovative solutions that address societal challenges. Through its activities, PROCEDIN seeks to contribute to the European Union’s goal of becoming a more sustainable, resilient, and competitive economy.