This page provides and extensive list of enriching and informative resources related to both responsible/sustainable procurement and innovation procurement in the public sector. Select filters and find more about best practices, legal frameworks, tools & training providers and/or filter by country, to find more resources specific to the selected country.
The City of Trnava in Slovakia has set up a procurement project named SMART junctions. The scope of the procurement is the development of design documents for the reconstruction of individual intersections, engineering associated with the preparation and construction of the individual intersections, and the implementation and subsequent management of the existing and future SMART Solution elements. Effective communication and competitive dialogue allowed for flexibility in the negotiations.
The main objective of this technical work is to look inside the current state of introducing reuse in public procurement and contracting in Catalonia and to identify European best practices that can serve as a reference. This document is the work of the General Directorate of Environmental Quality and Climate Change of the Government of Catalonia, drawn up as part of the SUBTRACT Interreg Europe project, which aims to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of reuse centres and increase the volume of materials to be reused and to be prepared for reuse.
EU directives on public procurement cover tenders that are expected to be worth more than a given amount. The core principles of these directives are transparency, equal treatment, open competition, and sound procedural management. They are designed to achieve a procurement market that is competitive, open, and well-regulated. This is essential for putting public funds to good use.
The sustainability budget is an integral part of the Program Budget of the municipality of Haarlem, directing decisions on resource use and climate policy. Valued at €300 million annually, it emphasizes step-by-step development, integrating sustainability into decision-making. The budget fosters collective responsibility, featuring tools like sustainability memoranda and an Energy Savings Revolving Fund, contributing to Haarlem's commitment to national targets and a quantitatively based approach to sustainability.
We are committed to the ideal mix of economy, science and innovation to guide Flanders to the top of European regions. The EWI Department forms the core within the EWI policy domain and focuses primarily on preparing, monitoring and evaluating policy around the themes of economy, science and innovation.
The ongoing energy transition requires a large-scale and accelerated switch to renewable energy generation and the electrification of transportation…
Táto sekcia obsahuje jednotlivé všeobecné materiály/metodiky a príručky, ktoré by mali napomôcť účastníkom verejného obstarávania pri zadávaní zákaziek a lepšej orientácii v procese verejného obstarávania.
Táto sekcia obsahuje výber/zhrnutie metodickej a vzdelávacej činnosti úradu za príslušný štvrťrok daného roka, obsahujúce najčastejšie okruhy otázok, ktoré boli predmetom metodickej a vzdelávacej práce úradu.
V tejto časti sú obsiahnuté právoplatné rozhodnutia úradu o uložení pokuty a sankcie zákazu účasti, ako výsledku uplatňovania sankčného mechanizmu zo strany úradu, a to za naplnenie skutkovej podstaty správnych deliktov stanovených zákonom č. 25/2006 Z. z. o verejnom obstarávaní a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov a zákonom č. 343/2015 Z. z. o verejnom obstarávaní a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov.
Táto sekcia obsahuje vzdelávacie materiály zamerané na rozličné problematiky verejného obstarávania či inštitúty zákona, ktorých cieľom je predovšetkým napomôcť účastníkom procesu verejného obstarávania pri zadávaní zákaziek a lepšej orientácii v procese verejného obstarávania.
Analytické výstupy predstavujú analytické a štatistické spracovania vybraných parametrov v procesoch verejného obstarávania zo strany Úradu pre verejné obstarávanie.
Analytické vyhodnocovanie má priamo prispievať k plneniu zámeru zvyšovania efektivity a znižovania (opakujúcej sa) chybovosti procesov vo verejnom obstarávaní.
The European Commission (EC) has developed a series of sector specific Life-cycle costing (LCC) calculation tools which aim to facilitate the use of LCC among public procurers in line with Article 68 of Directive 2014/24/EU and Article 83(2) of Directive 2014/25/EU. Other LCC tools have been developed by other entities.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) – Complete Beginner’s Guide
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) measures the environmental impacts of a product or service. Learn all about LCA in our extensive guide.
EcoVadis helps you manage your network both upstream and downstream, either by sharing your performance with your stakeholders or monitoring the performance of your own upstream value chain.
The Higg Index is a suite of tools for the standardized measurement of value chain sustainability, and it is central to the SAC’s mission to transform businesses for exponential impact.