This page provides and extensive list of enriching and informative resources related to both responsible/sustainable procurement and innovation procurement in the public sector. Select filters and find more about best practices, legal frameworks, tools & training providers and/or filter by country, to find more resources specific to the selected country.

The requirement for this procurement is to identify an Innovation Partner who will develop an innovative CCE (Colon Capsule Endoscopy) managed service integrated into the NHS across Scotland with the aim of improving the patient journey, improving outcomes and reducing the requirement for traditional hospital-based optical colonoscopy procedures.
The objective of the procurement is to reduce emissions: 1) to switch to electric cars replaced the consumption of fossil fuels mainly with electricity produced using Finnish energy forms, 2) reducing well-to-wheel emissions, that is, emissions linked to oil refining and distribution, 3) cutting down noise emissions.
The objective is to acquire a robotics solution that enables the library’s internal logistics to be automated as far as possible. The automation of the internal logistics will liberate personnel resources to improve customer service and content production tasks. What’s more, automating heavy work stages will improve the employees’ well-being at work and ergonomics.
Joint procurement of five waste management centres. MaterialPort system: digitalization of the waste management centers processes and customer interface including systems development, implementation, maintenance and productization. The new system is used to receive and register incoming waste, and to efficiently administrate and control waste to and from storage places.
The procurement will support the digitalization of forestry and field inspection services. The aim is to discover and develop new solutions in order to produce comprehensive and better quality forest and field inspection data.
The Kotidigi platform has been acquired through an innovation partnership procedure, which enables the development of a new solution together with selected innovation partners. As the population ages, the demand for home services and devices increases. With Kotidigi, the data collected by devices that can be read remotely, such as blood pressure monitors, sugar meters or movement sensors, can be used in real time by healthcare. The constantly accumulating well-being and health data on the platform enables healthcare professionals to react quickly and in a timely manner, but at the same time it also increases the sense of security for both the customer and their loved ones.
The aim of the acquisition was to form an innovation partnership for the development and delivery of a quantum computer. Quantum computers are expected to be able to solve problems that are impossible for today's computers with their unprecedented computing power. Potential future applications include accurate modelling of viruses and drugs and the design of completely new materials, which is impossible with current methods.
The objective of the procurement was a learning environment in accordance with the new curriculum, open and adaptable facilities as well as a whole that is low-cost throughout its life-cycle. A key objective was to make area savings, which required flexible and space-efficient facilities. Other goals included the use of renewable energy and energy-efficiency. The targets set for the usability of the facilities included health and safety as well as a fresh way of thinking about the use of space.
Gabrovo is located in central Bulgaria, with a population of just under 60,000 people. In 2020, the Municipality of Gabrovo decided to upgrade its entire street lighting network from sodium-vapour street lamps to Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps, in order to reduce energy use and save money, while continuing to ensure that streets are well lit. As a result of its commitment to energy efficiency and clean technology implementation over the past decade, Gabrovo was awarded the 2021 European Green Leaf Award, alongside Lappeenranta (Finland).
The Municipality of Rotterdam identified the need to make cost, resource and energy savings in its €2 billion worth of real estate. It also has high CO2 reduction targets. Public swimming pools were identified as key facilities for potential improvement. Rotterdam had the additional objective of improving the swimming conditions for users. Due to the uncertainty regarding potential energy savings, an Energy Performance Contract (EPC) was awarded using the competitive dialogue procedure.
The Municipality of Getxo is home to 78,000 people, and is located in the Basque Country, Spain. It is one of 25 municipalities which make up the Greater Bilbao region. In 2014, Getxo Kirolak (Getxo Sports) – the municipal body that manages municipal sports centres and facilitates sports, leisure and health activities for the citizens of Getxo – began a long term process to improve the energy performance of the town’s three municipal sports centres (Fadura, Andra Mari, and Gobela). This included a series of works and investments in energy saving and renewable energy in order to modernise sporting facilities and reduce the facilities’ contribution to CO2 emissions.
In 2020, only 5% of Lithuania’s public procurement spending by value used green criteria that favor environmentally friendly products and services. The government wanted to shift that to 100% by 2023. It is currently developing a methodology to calculate the impact of green public procurement on CO2 emissions in high-carbon sectors such as energy and transport and specific products such as paper.
Public Health Wales adopted a new mindset when moving office in 2016, and instead sought suppliers who could reuse and remanufacture as much already owned furniture as possible. PHW released a tender for the design of office space and supply of furniture in April 2016. As part of the tender, an inventory of all furniture which was owned by the organisation and available as part of an optional 'Buy Back' scheme was included. Bidders were encouraged to propose incorporating refurbished items from the existing stock in the submitted design and supply solutions. The winning tender provided an attractive, functional office design, in which 94% of furniture was reused or remanufactured.
Pursuing its objective of having a zero-emission vehicle fleet by 2015, the City of Oslo has concluded a framework agreement to replace a thousand cars and vans with environmentally friendly options in the years to come. A range of pre-procurement activities were undertaken by Oslo prior to setting up the framework agreement, which included a thorough testing phase of the new vehicles by their users, and extensive communication of the City’s policy for vehicles. The pilot phase was also an important part of the City’s (marketing) strategy. It served both to communicate to the market what is to be expected in the upcoming tender, and also to prepare the City’s employees for the next generation of service vehicles.
Intercent-ER set up a system of electronic meal vouchers for the employees of the Regional Health System while designing the procedure, the Agency took into account many aspects that have an impact on the demand for eco-friendly restaurants. For example, employees were given an application to use vouchers, which also provide content on food culture, nutrition, and food waste. The providers with which the winning tenderer had agreements use products from the ‘short supply chain’ and from social agriculture.