This page provides and extensive list of enriching and informative resources related to both responsible/sustainable procurement and innovation procurement in the public sector. Select filters and find more about best practices, legal frameworks, tools & training providers and/or filter by country, to find more resources specific to the selected country.
Практическо ръководство за прилагане на законодателството в областта на обществените поръчки
Обществени поръчки – ръководство за специалисти относно избягване на най-често допусканите грешки в проекти, финансирани от европейските структурни и инвестиционни фондове (февруари 2018 г.)
Практическо помагало за възлагане на „зелени“ обществени поръчки (февруари 2019 г.)
En introduisant des clauses environnementales et sociales dans vos marchés publics, vous avez une réelle influence.
Per productgroep geven we in één of meerdere fiches aan welke duurzaamheidscriteria je kan opnemen en hoe je daarbij te werk gaat. De productfiches bieden een stevige houvast voor het duurzaam aankopen van een aantal productgroepen. Deze productfiches hebben een vaste structuur en komen tot stand na het doorlopen van een vast proces dat alle belanghebbenden betrekt. Laat je verder inspireren en bekijk ook de andere bronnen.
The Shift is de Belgische duurzaamheidsbeweging die verschillende organisaties en partners samenbrengt in de transitie naar een duurzamere economie en samenleving.
Onze methode? Connect. Commit. Change.
This report presents insights from the OECD Survey on Strategic Innovation Procurement and takes stock of the strategic use of procurement for innovation in OECD Member countries and non-Member economies. It also includes a framework to help countries in their use of public procurement for innovation. It includes nine actions that should be present in any sound innovation procurement agenda.
Jak na odpovědné veřejné zadávání po novele
Publikace Odpovědné veřejné zadávání v kostce, příručka odpovědného veřejného zadávání k novele ZZVZ od 1. 1. 2021
Kontrolní list aspektů odpovědného veřejného zadávání k vyplnění při přípravě a odůvodnění veřejné zakázky a tento stejný kontrolní list (checklist) doplněný o komentář a vysvětlení k implementaci odpovědného veřejného zadávání
Kontrolní list pro vyhodnocení sociálně a environmentálně odpovědného zadávání a inovací ve veřejné zakázce na stavební práce k vyplnění při přípravě a odůvodnění veřejné zakázky a tento stejný kontrolní list (checklist) doplněný o komentář a vysvětlení k implementaci sociálně a environmentálně odpovědného zadávání a inovací ve veřejné zakázce na stavební práce.
Tabulka s předměty plnění a využitelnými textacemi do zadávací dokumentace; postupně budou přibývat další textace
Záznam semináře Novela ZZVZ – Odpovědné veřejné zadávání v kostce
Záznam Mini-konference “Reflexe zadavatelů v ČR na novelu”
Komplexní informace k příležitostem OVZ naleznete v Metodice odpovědného veřejného zadávání a celé řadě dalších metodických materiálů
Institut odpovědného veřejného zadávání nabízí komplexní vzdělávání pro začátečníky i pokročilé
Inspirujte se v příkladech dobré praxe
Public procurement can be a key tool in driving the development of innovative goods and services on the European market. The European Commission has decided to launch the “Big Buyers Working Together” project to support collaboration between public buyers with strong purchasing power and promote the wider use of strategic public procurement for innovative and sustainable solutions. By working together and pooling their resources, cities, central purchasing bodies, and other major public buyers can maximise their market power and impact.
The European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (EAFIP) initiative supports public procurers across Europe in developing and implementing innovation procurement. The aim of the EAFIP-initiative is to promote good practices and reinforce the evidence base on completed innovation procurements across Europe. To encourage other public procurers to start new PCP and PPI procurements and to boost the digital-green economy recovery through Innovation Procurement (PCP & PPI). Since the start in 2015 EAFIP organised 12 successful events and 13 webinars, created a knowledge-packed toolkit and 12 informative videos, and provided assistance to public procurers in the development and implementation of their innovation procurement. No less than 26 innovation procurements of high impact ICT-related solutions were supported through EAFIP up to present. Across Europe, public procurers are able to move ahead with innovation procurements.
Dear reader,
Please be informed that the Procurement Forum will be closed down on 30 June 2023. From the 1 July onwards you will not be able to access the Procurement Forum anymore.
All posts, files, documents and groups will not be accessible to anyone from the 1 July onwards. All data from the Procurement Forum will be deleted in compliance with GDPR and cannot be retrieved by the host or managers of the Procurement Forum.
To get the latest sustainable and innovation procurement news emailed directly to you, share information and find out about upcoming events we recommend that you sign up to the Procura+ Information Service. ICLEI sources the content from its channels, such as the Sustainable Procurement Platform, Procura+ European Sustainable Procurement Network, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Los contratos públicos desempeñan una importante función en las economías de los Estados miembros y se estima que generan más del 16 % del PIB de la Unión. Antes de que comenzara a aplicarse la legislación comunitaria, únicamente se adjudicaba a empresas no nacionales el 2 % de los contratos públicos. En algunos sectores —construcción, obras públicas, energía, telecomunicaciones e industria pesada—, estos contratos desempeñan un papel crucial, y tradicionalmente la preferencia por los proveedores nacionales se ha derivado de normas legislativas o administrativas. Esta falta de competencia abierta y eficaz era uno de los obstáculos para la realización del mercado interior al elevar los costes que habían de asumir los órganos de contratación e inhibir la competitividad en determinados sectores clave.
Welcome to the online modules of the Urban Agenda Public Procurement.
Watch the introduction first to get started.
Click the icons or the colored parts of the circle to go to that module.
In 2020, the iProcureNet project conducted an online survey among European public procurers. The aim of the survey was to learn more about existing (cross-border) joint public procurement initiatives throughout Europe, to collect examples and to identify good practices and pitfalls to be
avoided. The survey was run among all sectors of procurement, assuming that insights into obstacles and good practices in other sectors can feed into iProcureNet's study of the security sector. An overall of 41 responses from 14 countries (Germany, Ireland, Romania, Turkey, Estonia, France, Switzerland, the US, Portugal, Italy, Finland, Greece, Slovakia, and one unspecified) was obtained.
From our procurement lawyers’ experience (CMS – EURIPHI partner), procurement entities active into healthcare consider it to be a challenge to apply public procurement procedures to healthcare purchases (medical devices, drugs, support services and innovative solutions and technology). These purchases are indeed often highly sensitive, with even lifesaving aspects, they are crucial for the physician’s and hospital employees’ activities and are in general very innovative and evolving goods.
Innovation procurement can improve the economic recovery of the EU after the COVID-19 crisis with better public investment. It is a major tool to foster the transformation of our economy towards a green and digital economy. Adopted in the context of the Communication on “A renewed European Agenda for Research and Innovation – Europe’s chance to shape its technological leadership” and the input to the Leaders’ informal dinner in Sofia on 16 May 2018, this guidance is updated following the adoption of the European SMEs and Industrial Strategies and of the Recovery and Resilience Facility.
Module 3 of the EAFIP Toolkit is a legal / operational module addressed to legal services aimed at clarifying legal issues and providing practical ‘how-to’ guidelines, supported by templates.